Intellectual property - Co-creator information | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Intellectual property - Co-creator information

Step 1: Download the Co-creator information form

The first step is to download the Co-creator information form.

Step 2: Review the draft intellectual property disclosure

You will have received an email directing you to a draft intellectual property disclosure for review within UniSC's IP management system. Please review the draft intellectual property disclosure carefully and complete the Co-creator information form.

If you are a UniSC staff member or enrolled student, you will be able to login using the "Login using UniSC SSO" option. If you are external to UniSC, you will need to log in with your email address as your username. If you do not remember your password or this is your first time logging into UniSC's Intellectual Property  Management System, please use the "Forgot your password?" function to set a new password and access the system.

Please email if you need help confirming your account details.

Step 3: Upload the Co-creator information form

Upload the completed and signed Co-creator information form as a “Related File” within the draft intellectual property disclosure form in UniSC's IP management system.

Please email if you need help to upload this form.

What happens after I respond with the Co-creator information form for the potential intellectual property?

Essentially, UniSC will review the IP disclosure (including your Co-creator information form) and coordinate with the co-creators to assess the commercial or other potential of that IP. UniSC's Intellectual Property Policy and Procedures contain more specific details of the IP registration and commercialisation process.

What happens if I decide not to return the Co-creator information form for my potential IP?

If you have any concerns about the draft IP disclosure it is best to discuss them with the lead creator that originally submitted the draft disclosure. You are also welcome to get in touch with UniSC's Commercialisation Advisor or the Director, Office of Research (