The Writer and the Law
CMN 228 (Offering: 2003)


We live in a litigious society. New information technologies have also spawned new legal risks for writers. A legal mistake - even if accidental - could cost millions of dollars. At best it will be time consuming, emotionally draining and professionally disruptive. This course centres on developing an essential understanding of the laws affecting writers, including defamation, contempt, copyright and privacy. An understanding of such areas not only helps writers stay out of trouble, it also equips then to write more confidently and robustly by knowing how to work within legal boundaries.

Major(s)/Minors(s): Communication Studies, Creative Writing, Journalism, Public Relations (major only)

Usual Semester of offer: Semester 2

Other Information

Area(s) of Study: Communication Studies

Number of Units: 12

Prerequisite: CMN235 or CMN238 or CMN260 or CMN250  




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