Innovations, Creativity & Entrepreneurship
COR 110


This course introduces students to the processes used in creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship as applications of the elements of the core course philosophy. For this course, innovation is a process that takes an idea to a stage where there is an improvement in the issue that generated the need for a new idea. COR110 helps students through an introductory understanding of:
1. the processes to be imaginative, inventive and constructive in a range of contexts;
2. the techniques related to innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship

In addition, COR110 provides students with an understanding of how to search for, retrieve and assess the quality of information to complete an academic task. This course will form a foundation for the further development of the student's life-long learning strategies and competencies.

Usual Semester of offer: Semester 1 and Semester 2

Other Information

Area(s) of Study: Core Courses

Number of Units: 12




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