Government, Business, Voters and Globalisation: Making Public Policy in Australia
INT 230 (Offering: 2003)


This course will examine the processes, actors and influences involved in making public policy and will consider where power lies in the policy process. Interest groups pressure governments to influence policy but some are more powerful than others. Business is a powerful but divided actor. Governments have to balance competing demands and weigh electoral influences. Global forces and international organisations are playing a growing role in policy formation, raising concerns about democracy and accountability. The policy process itself affects policy selection and policy outcomes. The focus is mainly on Australia but will include some comparative and international examples.

Major(s)/Minors(s)/Specialisation(s): Politics and International Relations

Usual Semester of offer: Semester 1

Other Information

Area(s) of Study: Politics and International Studies

Number of Units: 12

Prerequisite: Any 4 introductory level courses Study Abroad (not school leavers) and Exchange Students exempted  




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