Disability: Culture, Community and Change
SCS 286 (Offering: 2003)


This course looks at the history of the provision of services and support for people with disabilities in Australia. It examines the cultural and philosophical basis of the various approaches to understanding, and providing for the care of, people with disabilities over time. Social role valorisation, rights, medical, victim, economic/mutual obligation and mythological, moralistic and religious models are explored, as well as international, national and state instrumentalities relevant to people with disabilities, ethical considerations, and ideas of quality. The application of these to decisions about professional interventions, strategies and service standards, and quality in a variety of contexts, are also examined.

Major(s)/Minors(s): Social & Community Studies

Usual Semester of offer: Semester 2

Other Information

Area(s) of Study: Social and Community Studies

Number of Units: 12

Prerequisite: Any 4 introductory level courses  




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