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Tourist Behaviour and Special Interest
TSM 511 (Offering: 2003)


Postgraduate Course
This course examines the nature and scope of tourist behaviour and its utilisation in the development of special interest tourism. The course enables students to think beyond 'mass' tourism and to examine new forms of tourism that are consistent with natural, social and community values and that allow hosts and guests to enjoy positive, worthwhile interactions and shared experiences. The course begins by examining the fundamental changes occurring in the tourism market with the development of new patterns of tourism consumption. Today's sophisticated tourists often search for novel, authentic and quality tourist experiences or something new, be it the outdoors, food, sport, history or culture. With the rapid growth in tourism activities, attractions and unique approaches to accommodation, numerous tourism products have been developed within specialised sectors that focus on the particular interests of their customer base. Theories and models of tourist behaviour and critical factors which affect travel decision making and behaviour, specifically related to special interest tourism, will be explored.

Usual Semester of offer: Semester 1

Other Information

Area(s) of Study: Tourism

Number of Units: 12




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