Dr Andrew Eamens | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Dr Andrew Eamens

PhD CSU, BAppSci (Hons) CSU

  • Lecturer, Biomedical Sciences
  • School of Health
+61 7 5456 5051
Office location
Sunshine Coast
Andrew Eamens

Dr Andrew Eamens joined the School of Health and Behavioural Sciences as a Lecturer in Biomedical Science in 2022. Prior to joining the University of the Sunshine Coast, Andrew held teaching or research positions at the University of Queensland, University of Newcastle, University of Sydney, University of York, and CSIRO Agriculture and Food.

Andrew’s research to date has focused on characterising the regulatory roles played by the various species of small RNA which accumulate in eukaryotic cells to control gene expression. Furthermore, and stemming directly from his research findings, Andrew has developed several novel small RNA, or non-coding RNA based technologies for gene expression manipulation.

More recently, Andrew’s research focus has concentrated on uncovering the roles directed by small RNAs in the male reproductive tract post the exposure of males to environmental pollutants or toxicants, or to other forms of environmental stress. The transgenerational epigenetic consequences of exposure of the male reproductive tract to a range of environmental stressors will form the focus of Andrew’s program of research at the University of the Sunshine Coast.

Research areas

  • small RNA biology (including microRNAs and small-interfering RNAs)
  • RNA biology (including messenger RNAs and non-coding RNAs)
  • gene expression regulation and manipulation
  • male reproductive tract (specifically the epididymis)
  • sperm biology (specifically post-testicular maturation)

Teaching areas

  • Physiology
  • Pharmacology
  • Pathophysiology

Dr Eamens’ specialist areas of knowledge include molecular genetics, small RNA biology, RNA biology, gene expression regulation, gene expression manipulation

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