PSY408A Research Dissertation A | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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PSY408A Research Dissertation A

This course is the dissertation component of the Psychology Honours program and will provide you the opportunity to engage in all parts of the research process. You will undertake a research project with your dissertation supervisor that makes an original contribution to the broad discipline of psychology. In the first semester of enrolment, you will develop and commence the research proposal (PSY408 A) and in the second semester (PSY408 B) of enrolment, your research activities of data collection and analysis will culminate with the writing of your dissertation. The course can be commenced in Semester 1 or 2.

Course detail

(PSY300, PSY301, PSY302, PSY303, PSY304, PSY305, PSY306, PSY307 and enrolled in AR405) or (Enrolled in AR403)
Semester of offer Subject to change
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 1, Semester 2
  • Moreton Bay: Semester 1, Semester 2
Tuition fee
1.4:Psychology, Behavioural Science nec FOE 0907XX
Census date
Academic Calendar
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Course outline

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Students enrolled in this course should check the course Canvas site to ensure that they are accessing the most recent approved version of the course outline.