Compliments, complaints, feedback or student grievances | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Compliments, complaints, feedback or student grievances

Throughout your time as a student with UniSC, there may be matters that you need to bring to our attention. You have a right to be heard on matters that impact upon your student experience.

Our grievance process provide a simple way for you to give us the information needed so that we can respond to, or act upon, what you have to say with a view to finding resolution.

Our policies and procedures provide a framework within which to manage and resolve grievances. 


It is strongly recommended, that you contact the Student Guild where one of the student advocates can provide you with independent support and advice to best prepare your grievance. Either call, (07) 5456 3742 or email and a student advocate will speak with you.

You may also wish to reach out to the Student Ombudsman who can assist you to navigate and understand the policies and procedures related to your grievance. You can email the Student Ombudsman at


Download a flowchart outlining the grievance processes

You should familiarise yourself with the Student Grievance Resolution – Governing Policy and any other relevant policies and procedures related to their grievance by using the links provided for each grievance type below.

Categories of student grievances

See the tabs below to lodge a compliment or informal feedback, raise a Formal Grievance; or submit a Review or Appeal. Click the tab and review the drop down category which you believe is most relevant to you. Follow the appropriate step to lodge an online form.

The grievance will be managed using one of the following procedures, depending on the type of grievance:

(a) Student Grievances - Procedures; or

(b) Student Review and Appeals - Procedures.

Perhaps you have had a great interaction with a staff member, a positive experience on campus that you would like to share, or you have an idea/improvement that you would like to suggest.

Simply fill in the details of the Online Feedback form

Administrative decision

Administrative decisions include decisions you are wanting the university to make, or decisions the University has made that you disagree with. They include matters such as program advice, enrolments, graduation, deferred examinations, fees and class timetable.

Step 1 You are encouraged to contact the person who made the decision initially to attempt to resolve the grievance informally under Step 1.

Step 2 If your grievance is unable to be resolved during Step 1 or if you do not wish to participate in the informal process, you can choose to submit a Step 2 Formal Grievance by submitting the online form.

Click here =>Step 2 Formal Grievance Form(Administrative decision)

Step 3 Students who are not satisfied with the handling of a grievance under Step 2, may be able to apply for a Step 3 Appeal of the decision. The decision letter from the Step 2 grievance will outline if there isn't an avenue to submit a Step 3 Appeal. Alternatively, you can submit a Step 3 Appeal via the online form.

Click here => Step 3 Appeal (Administrative decision)

Relevant policies and procedures:

Program, course and teaching quality

Step 1 You are encouraged to contact the person concerned initially to attempt to resolve the grievance informally under Step 1.

Step 2 If your grievance is unable to be resolved during Step 1 or if you do not wish to participate in the informal process, you can choose to submit a Step 2 Formal Grievance by submitting the online form.

Click here => Step 2 Formal Grievance Form (Program, course and teaching quality).

Step 3 Students who are not satisfied with the handling of a grievance under Step 2, may be able to apply for an appeal of the decision by lodging a Step 3 Appeal, please note there are specific requirements for lodging an appeal.

Click here => Step 3 Appeal (Program, course and teaching quality).

Relevant policies and procedures:

Bachelor Honours Degrees or Higher Degree by Research (HDR)

Step 1 If you are a Bachelor Honours or HDR student experiencing difficulty with any aspect of your enrolment or program of study, you are encouraged discuss the problems with your Supervisor first under Step 1.

Step 2 If your grievance is unable to be resolved during Step 1 or if you do not wish to participate in the informal process, you can choose to submit a formal grievance by submitting the online form for Step 2.

Click here => Step 2 Formal Grievance (Bachelor Honours or HDR study).

Step 3 Students who are not satisfied with the handling of a grievance under Step 2, may be able to apply for a Step 3 Appeal of the decision. The decision letter from the Step 2 grievance will outline if there isn't an avenue to submit a Step 3 review. Alternatively, you can find the Step 3 Appeal form online.

Click here => Step 3 Appeal (Bachelor Honours or HDR Study)

Relevant policies and procedures:


Conduct of staff or students (discrimination, bullying, harassment, assault, sexual harassment, sexual assault)

UniSC understands that these matters can be very sensitive and difficult to discuss. Therefore, Step 1 and Step 2 under the Student Grievances - Procedures may not be appropriate for grievances related to sexual assault, sexual harassment, assault, harassment, bullying or discrimination.

UniSC, through its Safer Communities team, offers all students who want to talk about an experience (of sexual assault, sexual harassment, assault, harassment, bullying or discrimination) a trauma informed approach whilst providing a student with choice and control (as far as is reasonable) when hearing any of these matters. The process is outlined under the Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment and Respectful Relationships – Procedures, and it is aligned with the Student Grievances - Procedures.

Disclosure to report to UniSC

Students who have experienced any of these behaviours can contact the Safer Communities team on 07 5430 1226 or submit an online form to Safer Communities via this link => report online.

Safer Communities may assist you with a range of supports such as learning adjustments, protective and supportive measures if required. For after-hours support, contact the SafeUniSC Security Team on 07 5430 1168 or email

You may also choose to make anonymous or third-party disclosures through the University’s SASH portal, however, the University may be limited in its ability to investigate or respond to these disclosures.

Relevant policies and procedures:


UniSC Campus and transport services

If you are dissatisfied with UniSC facilities, non-academic services (e.g. catering, car parking, intercampus bus etc.) or would like to report faults with amenities or equipment, please take the following steps:

Step 1 Raise the issue informally under Step 1. This usually involves approaching a front-line representative of the service area directly or consulting with Student Wellbeing. Alternatively you can lodge online form and request that the appropriate team respond to you to discuss resolution.

Step 2 If your concerns are unable to be resolved during Step 1 or if you do not wish to participate in the informal process, you can choose to submit a formal grievance by submitting a Step 2 Formal Grievance, with supporting evidence. Step 2 Forms can be accessed via this link,

Click here => Step 2 Formal Grievance (UniSC Services)

Step 3 If you are not satisfied with the handling of your grievance under Step 2, a review of the decision may be applied for by submitting a Step 3 Appeal. Please refer to section 8 of the Student Grievance - Procedures or seek support from the Student Guild prior to submitting an appeal.

Click here => Step 3 Appeal (UniSC Services)

Relevant policies and procedures:

WIL (includes Clinical Placements, Practicums, SPE, Internships, Field Education, Projects etc.)

You may be dissatisfied with a Work Integrated Learning (WIL) placement related to the course content/delivery, a decision or action by a staff member (or other person acting for the University) or your placement allocation.

Step 1 You are encouraged to contact the staff member who made the decision to attempt to resolve the grievance informally under Step 1.

Step 2 If your grievance is unable to be resolved during Step 1 or if you do not wish to participate in the informal process, you can choose to submit a Step 2 Formal Grievance by submitting the online form.

Click here =>Step 2 Formal Grievance Form (WIL).

Step 3 Students who are not satisfied with the handling of a grievance under Step 2, may be able to apply for a Step 3 Appeal of the decision. The decision letter from the Step 2 grievance will outline if there isn't an avenue to submit a Step 3 Review.

Click here => Step 3 Appeal (WIL)

Note: If you are seeking a review of assessment result related to a WIL Placement, please refer to the Review of Assessment and Final Grade – Procedures and lodge a grievance under either the 'Assessments' or 'Final Mark/Grade' grievance tabs.

Relevant policies and procedures:



The Review of Assessment and Final Grade - Procedures should be read in conjunction with the Student Review and Appeals – Procedures.

Step 1 Where a student considers that an individual assessment task has been unfairly or inappropriately assessed, the student shall follow the process below, taking step (a) within five (5) business days of notification of the result in that assessment task:

(a) contact the assessor to request a review of the assessment task outlining the grounds for seeking a review; and

(b) if the matter is not resolved then, the student/s should refer the matter to the Course Coordinator, if that person is a different person to the lecturer, and/or to the Program Coordinator.

Step 2 If dissatisfied with the outcome of the above actions the student may, upon receipt of the final mark/grade for that course, seek a review of the final grade by lodging an Application for Review of Final Grade online.

Click here => Application for Review of Final Grade form.

Relevant policies and procedures:

Credit transfer

The Credit Transfer - Procedures should be read in conjunction with the Student Review and Appeals – Procedures.

Step 1 You can seek to resolve the grievance informally under Step 1 by contacting the Program Director.

Step 2 If the matter is unable to be resolved under Step 1, you may be eligible to seek a review by submitting a Step 2 Formal Grievance online form

Click here => Step 2 Review (Credit Transfer)

Step 3 If you are not satisfied with a review decision (Step 2 decision), or the way in which the review was handled, you may lodge an appeal by submitting a Step 3 Appeal online. The appeal must contain the grounds for the appeal and supporting evidence.

Click here => Step 3 Appeal (Credit Transfer).

Relevant policies and procedures:


Exclusion (Show Cause) Appeal - Undergraduate

If you have received a MAP Stage 3 notification (or Show Cause notice) under the Monitoring Academic Progress – Procedures, you will be provided with an opportunity to provide a response on why you should not be excluded.

Step 1 Once issued with a notice of exclusion students can seek advice to assist with response, from academic skills advisors available via Student Services (Student Central), counselling from Student Wellbeing, as well as advice on the processes from the Student Ombudsman, and/or assistance from the Student Guild.

Step 2 If you have been issued a notice of exclusion from your studies due to unsatisfactory academic progress,(Monitoring Academic Progress (MAP) Stage 3 - Consideration for Exclusion), you may ask for a review of this decision. If you have evidence to show that special circumstances impacted your academic progress, you can choose to Show Cause as to why you should not be excluded. Refer to your notice of exclusion and follow the link to complete your show cause response.

Step 3 If your Show Cause response is not approved, then you may choose to submit a Step 3 Appeal of the decision. Ensure to set out the grounds for appeal and attach evidence to support any claims in your appeal.

Click here => Step 3 Appeal (Show Cause) .

Relevant policies and procedures:


Exclusion (Show Cause) Appeal – Higher Degrees by Research

If you have received a Show Cause invitation under the Higher Degrees by Research Candidature - Procedures, you will be provided with an opportunity to provide a response on why your candidature should not be discontinued.

Step 1 Candidates are encouraged to seek advice from their supervisor to discuss their situation and to develop their response. Candidates may also seek advice from academic skills advisors available via Student Services and Engagement (Student Central), counselling from Student Wellbeing, as well as advice on the processes from the Student Ombudsman, and/or assistance from the Student Guild.

Step 2 HDR Students should respond as per instructions included in the Notice of Invitation to Show Cause, and refer to Section 14 of the Higher Degrees by Research Candidature - Procedures.

Step 3 If after submitting your show cause response, you received notification that your candidature is being discontinued, then you may submit a Step 3 Appeal setting out the grounds for appeal (this may include relevant factors that were not taken into account, additional information not provided with your Show Cause response or procedural errors). You must provide or attach evidence to support any claims in your appeal.

Click here => Step 3 Appeal.

Relevant policies and procedures:

Final mark/grade

The Review of Assessment and Final Grade - Procedures should be read in conjunction with the Student Review and Appeals – Procedures.

Step 1 You are encouraged to informally resolve your grievance by contacting your Course Coordinator regarding your final grade under Step 1.

Step 2 If the matter is unable to be resolved under Step 1, you may be eligible to lodge an Application for review of final grade for a course. The Review of Assessment and Final Grade – Procedures outlines the valid grounds for review.

Click here =>  Application for Review of Final Grade form.

Step 3 If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your application of review of final grade, or the way in which the review was handled, you may lodge a Step 3 Appeal. The appeal must contain the grounds for the appeal and supporting evidence.

Click here => Step 3 Appeal (Final Grade)

Relevant policies and procedures:


An unsuccessful applicant or a scholarship holder may seek a review of a decision related to the scholarship.

Step 1 You may choose to discuss the scholarship decision with Student Central before submitting your response under Step 2.

Step 2 If the matter is unable to be resolved under Step 1, you may be eligible to seek a review of the scholarship decision by lodging a Step 2 online form.

Click here => Step 2 Review (Scholarships)  

Step 3 If you are not satisfied with a review decision (Step 2 decision), or the way in which the review was handled, you may lodge an appeal of the decision. The appeal must contain the grounds for the appeal and supporting evidence.

Click here => Step 3 Appeal (Scholarships).

Relevant policies and procedures:

Student Academic Misconduct

If you have received a substantiated finding of student academic misconduct you may want to raise a grievance about the finding or the penalty.

Step 1 Review the Student Misconduct – Procedures and contact the original decision maker to understand the original decision or clarify the penalty.

Step 2 You may consider lodging a Step 2 Review against the finding and/or the penalty. The review application must contain the grounds for the review and supporting evidence. If the original decision maker was the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), you are unable to seek a Step 2 Review, however, you may consider lodging a Step 3 Appeal see below.

Step 3 If the matter is unable to be resolved during Step 2, or if Step 2 is not available, you may be eligible to seek a Step 3 Appeal. The appeal must contain the grounds for the appeal and supporting evidence.

Relevant policies and procedures:


Student General Misconduct

If you have received a substantiated finding of student general misconduct you may want to raise a grievance about the finding or the penalty.

Step 1 Review the Student Misconduct – Procedures and contact the original decision maker to understand the original decision or clarify the penalty.

Step 2 There are no avenues for a Step 2 Review.

Step 3 You may consider lodging a Step 3 Appeal against the finding and/or the penalty. The appeal must contain the grounds for the appeal and supporting evidence.

Relevant policies and procedures:


Responsible Research Conduct

In accordance with the Managing and Investigating Breaches of Responsible Research Conduct - Procedures, HDR students who wish to request a review of their research conduct investigation outcome are required to follow the processes outlined in the Student Grievance Resolution – Governing Policy.

One option is to lodge a Step 2 Review against the finding and/or the penalty. Please note that if the original decision maker was the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation), you are unable to seek a review. However, if the matter is unable to be resolved during Step 2, or if Step 2 is not available, you may be eligible to seek a Step 3 Appeal ensuring you have grounds for the appeal and can provide supporting evidence.

Relevant policies and procedures: